Appraisal & Consulting

The case for a career as a commercial real estate appraiser - by Anthony Graziano

Finding people to fill jobs seems to be a common problem across industries these days, and the commercial appraisal field is no exception. According to the Appraisal Institute (AI), research shows the number of appraisal professionals has been shrinking at a rate of 2.6% per year for the past several years.

Sense of the Data - by Bill Pastuszek

I know this could be construed as broad generalization, but it’s up here for discussion. Many economic behaviors result from decisions based on

Inflation fighting: Impacts on real estate? - Daniel Calano

Interest rates are finally increasing. Red hot inflation, now at overall 8-10%, is in the Federal Reserve Bank’s cross-hairs. The Fed increased the short term borrowing rate by .5% in May, with expectations for another raise in June and July.

2022 Halfway to…somewhere - by Brett Pelletier

We’re halfway through 2022 and I’m not sure most people have even noticed. After what has been the longest staycation of our lives, time now seems to be moving at warp speed. Now that I’ve reflected on what has felt like a nearly unending experiment

Should commercial real estate fear rising interest rates? - by Bill Pastuszek

Maybe housing is in a bubble. Some think so. The Dallas Fed was blunt in its assessment: “U.S. house prices are again becoming unhinged from fundamentals.” But their researchers don’t think it would be a repeat of the Great Recession/Housing Crash of 2008.

Why take on a trainee? - by Jennifer O'Neill

I recently sponsored a young woman who wanted to be an appraiser trainee. She found me, she knew she wanted to be an appraiser, she had already taken all her classes, and she needed a mentor.

I-Buying Real Estate: Not disruptive, yet. - by Daniel Calano

Recently, I have had an “opportunity” to invest a small amount of money in real estate “disruptive technology.” Specifically, it was a startup in residential “I-Buying,” the nickname for instant buying.

Less is more, as in balance sheets. - by David Kirk

The FOMC announces a 0.5% increase on rates to 0.75%-1% for a soft landing. More job offerings than job seekers and wage gains should persist. Lending should increase the rate in borrowings, easing expansion, fueling inflationary pressures

Residential appraisal forms - by Bill Pastuszek

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been working on the redesign of the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR) for several years. The GSEs, through their Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) and Forms Redesign Initiative working group, have worked closely with stakeholders and allowed their input

President’s message: The PAVE Action Report - by Brad Hevenor

In March, the Department of Housing and Urban Development delivered the long-anticipated Action Plan from the Interagency Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity (PAVE) to President Joe Biden. The PAVE Action Report targets dismantling racial discrimination and bias in mortgage