
2023 Year in Review: Bob Rulli, Town of Bridgewater, MA

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2023? In June of this year, we launched “Vision to Reality – Revitalizing the Heart of Bridgewater.” V2R is a holistic comprehensive revitalization strategy

2023 Year in Review: Steven King, Quonset Development Corporation

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2023? The 2023 Report on the Economic Impact of Quonset Business Park completed by Bryant University made clear that Quonset is the region’s leading engine of job creation and economic growth.

2023 Year in Review: Roderick Shaffert, Bowdoin Construction Corp

What person, project, transaction, or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? While attending the DBIA national conference this year, it was exciting to hear how more owners are seeing the benefits of design-build as a delivery system to help control costs, meet schedule and provide better quality.

2023 Year in Review: Dennis Serpone, The National Restaurant Exchange

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2023? Having been a restaurant broker for almost 44 years, I’ve built strong relationships/friendships with some wonderful professionals. One of these friends, a very prominent hotel broker, referred me to a restaurateur in North Conway

2023 Year in Review: Dennis Kulesza, Metro. Restoration & Waterproofing Corp.

What emerging trends will drive investment and development in 2024? There is an ever-critical need and trend for owners and facility managers to preserve their most important physical asset, the building structure. This is best achieved through a proactive, well-planned building envelope inspection program

2023 Year in Review: William Low Jr. President L&P Commercial

What person, project, transaction, or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? It was definitely interest rates. Investment properties analyzed in the summer of 2022 and put on the market in September were already overpriced as rates went to 6% that fall.

2023 Year in Review: Marty Pomeroy, Bernkopf

What person, project, transaction, or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? In 2023, my greatest achievement was teaching Modern Real Estate Transactions at New England School of Law, where I shared practical insights into commercial real estate law with upper-class students

2023 Year in Review: Benjamin Rosen, The Norfolk Companies

What market trend has had the greatest impact on your industry this year? We closely follow the financial markets, because it is essential to have a good grasp on the course of the Fed’s monetary policy decisions and the reasoning behind them.

2023 Year in Review: Eric Schultheis, Sweeney Real Estate & Appraisal

What person, project, transaction, or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? Rising interest rates have had the greatest impact on the commercial real estate industry over the past year. Owners don’t want to sell at lower prices and investors are shying away due to increased lending cost.

2023 Year in Review: Wayne Jalbert, PLS, Hancock Survey Associates, Inc.

What person, project, transaction, or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? The greatest market trend that drove our business this year was actually a combination of rising interest rates, stabilization of inflation and federal infusion of capital into infrastructure.